In any RCC element, compressive and tensile properties of concrete and steel in any such a way that steel is placed in that element at points where it is likely to fail because of tensile forces and concrete is placed at points where compressive forces are high. If steel and concrete are bonded together firmly, then RCC element behaves like one substance even though it is a composite of steel and concrete. Steel resists tension and concrete resists compression and the whole unit remains intact. Since we ‘reinforce’ concrete by steel in this way, we call it ‘Reinforced Cement Concrete’ – RCC
The character of the concrete is determined by the quality of the paste. The strength of the paste, in turn, depends on the ratio of water to cement. The water-cement ratio is the weight of the mixing water divided by the weight of the cement. High-quality concrete is produced by lowering the water-cement ratio as much as possible without sacrificing the workability of fresh concrete

The pipe is cast by spinning process.
The concrete compaction is caused by centrifugal force.
Demoulding takes place after 24 hours and curing of pipes is for minimum 7 days.

Spinning process
“When there is a motion the center of the existing tend to more from the center.”
As the concretecan be processed uniformily with the use of above natural force, it will take the shape in round, which is equal distance from the center and this process is called centrifugal force in action.
This process is best amongst all other processes in concrete technology.
The pipe to be tested is supported in such a way that longitudinal axis is approximately horizontal and the exterior surface except the supports are examined readily. The equipment for making the test is such that the specimen under test can be filled with water to the exclusion of air and subjected to the required hydrostatic pressure. The specimen shall be filled with water and the air expelled. Pressure shall be applied at a gradual rate until the specified test pressure is reached or beads of water on the pipe surface is seen, whichever occurs first
The test specimen is tested in a machine so designed that a crushing force is exerted in a true vertical plane through one diameter and extending the full length of the barrel of the pipe but excluding the sockets, if any. Load is applied at a uniform rate until the formation of 0.25mm wide crack or ultimate strength load, as may be specified, has been reached. The ultimate load will be reached when the pipe will sustain no greater load.
The Permeability is conducted in accordance with the method described in IS 3597. The final permeability shall not exceed 0.3cm3.
The Straightness test is conducted as described in IS 3597
The cube testing is also done to check the compressive strength of concrete cubes as per IS-516
Quality Control
Reliable operations assured by
Proven process Extra care pre & post manufacturing Proper handling of pipes
Dependable quality assured by
Quality raw material Good mix concrete Highest strength Greater impermeability Full curing of concrete in full depth water tanks. Thorough testing of pipes Flexible customization capacity